Saturday, September 25, 2010

Today, we finally wrote out the entire plot summary for the "Luke the Workman" movie we're working on. The story is complete, and now all we have to do is write out the scene details and actual lines for the characters. But the story, the plot, is completely written out and we now know how everything in the movie is going to happen.

The film will probably be about 30 minutes in length. Not too long, not too short, and hopefully just the right length. We're all really excited for this project to finally be entering the pre-production stage, and I'm currently working on storyboarding everything. I'll post a few photos of the storyboards when I'm done.

In other news, we're currently working on some Billy Smith video ideas. The weather just hasn't been cooperating though, and these videos must be shot outside. Hopefully next week we'll be able to shoot some of them!

Stay tuned everyone!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our new YouTube Channel

Hey everyone!

I just finished creating and uploading videos to our new YouTube channel (flipofthecoinfilms). That is our main channel and has featured playlists consisting of "shows", like "Entrepreneur Billy Smith - Season One" and "Luke The Workman - Season One" (Luke the Workman is a miniseries we're currently writing). Stay tuned!

I also have a personal video site here, where I hope to upload all of my "professional" stuff. There's not much on it yet, but I'm going to add more stuff in the next week or so and if you wanna check it out here ya' go:
Our feature-length movie is going to be uploaded there as well sometime next year, so keep a watchful eye for previews!

Also: If at anytime you wish to contact us, we're just an email away: (not a mailto link).

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Welcome, and thanks for taking the time to read our blog! We appreciate any support we get.

Where did our name come from?
Previously we were known as "J.E.L. Productions" to our friends and family, but we discovered that the name "J.E.L. Productions" is not only copyrighted somewhere, but it's all over the internet. Do a Google search and you'll see what I mean. We knew we had to change our name, and so after much debating we settled on the name "Flip of the Coin Productions", because we needed to change our name at the flip of a coin (yeah, it's a stretch off of "drop of the hat", but we liked it). After Googling to make sure the name wasn't taken, we took it. That's where our name came from.

What are we about? 
Well, I'm about 5'6"...wait, d'you mean you wanna know what we're "about", as in, what we aim to do? Yes? Oh. Well, our goal is to create original, family-friendly videos, movies and films without big budgets or extremely fancy filmmaking gear (although we are getting a DSLR for shooting video and better audio equipment). We have many ideas for films, a web series and other random videos. In fact, we're going to start shooting a film next summer. It's a spoof off of most 1980s sci-fi films (in terms of style) and has an absolutely ridiculous plot line. I was drawing storyboards for the film before I posted this, and will continue to do so when I'm done. I'll probably post pictures of some of them at a later time. I love the process of filmmaking. Every aspect of it is a lot of fun, especially the camera work and film editing.

Stay tuned for future posts, which will include links to videos, photos, and stories about our days of production.